Sunday, 8 November 2009

Cancer threat (CT)

The sharpened dagger enters
Not once, not twice but thrice
Bruising, purple
As the robe of Christ.

Colourless dye
All-seeing, all-knowing
Search out the deadly sin
Seek out tortuous, moving guilt
Wrapped invisibly to naked eye.
Strangling and killing.

Rush your warmth, cold comfort borne
Shake fear and pain inside the tomb
Liquid death knell do your deed
Seek out cells and shade them
A rainbow, a myriad of colour.
No room to move, no breath to take.

A picture, snapshot
Of how it appears to man who
Cannot see the gram of death
Behind the weary bones.

Growing, enveloping,
Rushing, destroying
Tiny, tiny, tiny specks
Breaking free, multiplying
Destroying equilibrium
Destroying hope
Destroying joy
Destroying peace.

And when finally
The result appears
It’s clear and safe
- this time
Will not anxiety reign free
To begin again another day?

Monday, 2 November 2009

Isle of Wight

A little break last week amidst the anxiety of C being in hospital. We had chosen a hotel on the seafront at Sandown and had a balcony room. It was lovely to wake to the waves gently rushing forwards and to the sunrise over the sea. We pretty much covered most of the island in travel apart from Yarmouth area and Newport. My favourite village was Godshill - a kind of grockley Miss Marple place.
And here's a photo of Bembridge Windmill too.