Saturday, 2 January 2010

Another year, another hope?

I've never liked new years and this one is no exception. Will it bring hope or terrifying reality - the tumour is growing.
My scan is booked for 3 weeks time and then we'll know if it is growing fast or slow.
All the anti-oxidants, good diet - how can that have worked by now? It's too soon.
The brilliant NHS just leaves you all alone- there is so much to understand about complementary or alternative therapy. But Christmas must happen, too busy before, two weeks closure - never caring my tumour is growing.
If I didn't have Gina I would be more in depths of despair than I am - I cry almost all the time I am on my own. With people, with Mark I am another person, some-one who isn't dying, some-one who has so much to do, so many things to achieve, to help people, to love people but there is so little time now. I AM PETRIFIED. No-one will let me grieve. I must be positive - it's the only way. But I am sure positive people die too. I cannot die with the pain in my head , I just can't.
I must, as some-one dear to me said, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you all the best for every day in 2010.
    Doodles workshops are 24th Feb and 24th March.They got muddled last time with the dates.
    Hurst workshops start on 6th Feb..
    I'm sure your presentation was brillant.
