Thursday, 25 September 2008

CT Scan

I had a follow-up CT scan a few weeks ago and last week went back to get the result. This is the second CT scan after the re-occurence.
All clear.
The consultant was pleased as was Mark. And everyone I texted afterwards. I asked the consultant about my prognosis cos I'd read that for Stage 3 you have a 30 -50% chance of surviving 5 years and only 20 - 30% chance of surviving ten. She said that was right. They didn't tell me that last time. However diet and a positive attitude can help. I'm doing the healthy diet thing - more of that later - but positivity is just not there. I am SO..OO scared. Coming out of serious depression and just wanting to die I now find myself in the weird position of being scared of dying. Not for myself but for Mark and the girls.
I need to get on with my life and Mark says make the most of the time left, but how? There is a big black cloud hanging over me and the worry of yet another occurence or worse secondary cancer is there in my mind all the time - awake or asleep.
I have written a poem about cancer re-ocurring and will share it with you.

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