Monday, 16 February 2009

CT scan

Horrendous day. No food or drink from 9ish this morning and had a very worrying night. Scan was booked for 2pm and we arrived a bit early. As usual I chose the orange flavoured barium mixture drink - drink this over 45 minutes, then off to the room for the scan. First of course you have to have a canular put in so they can inject iodine into your vein to highlight your blood vessels. I told them my veins are rubbish after the chemo and they suggested I lay on the bed. Five tries later and me panicking and it hurting they finally decided I should go up to the Basing Unit (the chemo ward) to have the canular put in there. By this time I was very miserable and after warming up my hand and arm they had another go. It took another 3 attempts before it was finally in. I did not want them to put it in my right arm cos of the lymphodema and they said they wouldn't except in extreme cases. Back to the CT scan room and they were able to inject the iodine and do the scan.
I do not know which is worse - having nightmares about the cancer spreading and not knowing or having this horrendous time every time I go for a CT scan.

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