Monday, 9 February 2009


It is bad enough getting cancer, having a mastectomy but to get lymphodema is just an insult. It came about after I'd finished radiotherapy and chemo and my hand and arm was very swollen.
Today I had yet another review of the size of my arm - its 13% bigger than left side. It has been as low as 8 and as high as 15%. You are meant to massage the lymph fluid and wear a compression sleeve - the latter I do, the former I don't do any more after the recurrence of cancer because I feel sure moving the lymph around the body from the 'infected side' into the neck, across the chest may have contributed to the cancer returning. I don't know. I spoke to my consultant -she said that is a possibility, small but possible.
I HATE wearing a sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine is coping with lymphodema. So I wanted to learn more about it to try and be more supportive. I found a book called Cornfield Heiress, by Errollynne Peters that I bought for myself, but I loved it so much I'm going to buy my friend her own.
    It was an inspiration to read how well she copes with lymphodema and living with only one arm. Her suggestions are great!
    I really think this will be just the right book for my friend Candace right now...she's a fighter and so is Errollynne.
    Good luck to you you're doing great. From what I have read on your blog, perhaps you may like to check this book out too!
